Art & Travel
  2025/03/10 [12:58] (Mon)


  2009/03/02 [22:32] (Mon)
I'm just came back from Cambodia!! This was my second time visited another country.For the past seventeen years, I went to Singapore before(I quite outdate!)...But I'll decide to travel almost all neighbour country of Malaysia for next target.

Angkor is a one of the other 13 finalists in New Seven Wonder of the World !! This is the most important reason why I want to get there and also it's near my country.

The town of Siem Reap is the primary access point for the Angkor.

Damn amazing ancient building!!!

It's look like RPG game scene +_+

All I can say it's really amazing!! Amazing, amazing, amazing... included all the architecture, artifacts, culture history, and landscapes!!

We also knew two japanese backpack friends at there.They share a lot travel experience to us.I'm very happy with them at the moment!!

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  2009/02/20 [02:26] (Fri)
I'm still no any idea to create my own illsutration.So continue to developed my previous illustration to made another version.Yes, it's fanart again...

I was looking for a lot character who can control the power of ice.Lastly, I picked from one of The King of Fighters character called Kula Diamond.Thanks!

I think I'll join Dominance War IV soon.Wishing this contest can improve my concept art...
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  2009/01/30 [15:17] (Fri)
I never planned this trip because Pangkor Island located in north-west peninsular Malaysia(Strait of Malacca).But it's nearby my grandfather hometown, so we tried to visit there on Chinese New Year period!

Lumut is a small coastal town and gateway to Pangkor Island.

Pangkor Island is a fairly comfortable place to retire XD

The sunset after a small rain.

I felt Pangkor Island is a smaller version Langkawi Island! But doesn't means it was granted tax-free status.Here also have a lot Western,It was an unexpected surprise!
Although short trip this time, but I think I found inspiration for next.Happy Chinese New Year~

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  2009/01/17 [22:02] (Sat)
Here's a fan art of Portgas D. Ace from One Piece.

One Piece is my most favourite manga! I respect Eiichirō Oda very much.All the characters design created by him was awesome! Even story line's best too.So I chosen Portgas D. Ace as my title cause he's one of the cool character and latest chapter the storytelling also around him !! Thanks.

In fact, I initially planned to join CG Challenge -Steampunk but didn't have any idea about it.I felt sorry to CGSociety because the title was very interested...
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  2008/12/28 [19:17] (Sun)
Last week we went Sungai Lembing to climb Panorama Hill.

Sungai Lembing was a major producer of underground tin and the pit mines were among the largest and deepest in the world.

Panorama Hill is nearby Sungai Lembing and a popular place to watch the sunrise under sea of clouds.

It's a damn amazing wonderland.

Although this trip we didn't get to watch the sunrise, but I'm very enjoyed the beautiful scene when reach the top of Panorama Hill.

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  2008/12/23 [16:24] (Tue)
Xmas Meltdown is my first freelance game project.Thanks to Gionathan given me a chance to work with him for this game.

This project a little bit rush, all the game art I did just in 1 month period but I'm very enjoyed the game process.The santa sprites have more than 300 frames animation, this is great challenge for me because I'm not much experience in animation.

Here is the game link - Xmas Meltdown. Hope you can enjoy the game and also wish everyone a very very "Merry Christmas". Thanks

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